Friday, June 15, 2012

Sweatpants all Day

Today was anotherchill day.. After my jog and walk with nickie I tanned a bit (because there wasfinally sun that lasted over 5 min!) and relaxed. I also did some reading anddrawing. I have also been trying to master the art of flying this toyhelicopter (i alwasy accidentally call it a "plane", but then erlendsays with his annoyed voice.. "It is a helicopter! for. the. last.time...")

Anyways it is harderthan it looks even though my brother is a pro at it, but i think it is becausehe has been practicing on it for the majority of his free time..even though wegot it 2 days ago. :P so i still cant takeoff and land successfully.. I alwaysget it levelled in the air nicely but then when i realize i have to use theother controller thingy to make it move forward i forget about the powercontrol (the one that keeps it in the air.. can you see where this is going..)but actually i do the opposite what you thing i would do, when the airplane.. imean helicopter .. starts going down i excel to much then it just goes uptowards the ceiling.. before it even hits the ceiling i freak out (because idon't want it to touch the ceiling!) and drop the controller thingy majigy onthe couch and run backwards, imitating that there is supposed to be a crash orsomething (in my mind) when there isnt. then resulting in the helicoptercrashing to the ground! -.- So now i have been suspended from the toy *cough*airplane *cough* HELICOPTER.

After those traumaticevents i was surfing youtube in cooking videos. These days i have wanted tomake tiramisu (i have made it before i just want to do it again) ;P, and ithink i know why... Ever since the cake boss 'buddy' made a new show called 'kitchen boss' ( I know right Soooo creative..) i have been watching it. and thelatest show they made tiramisu.. so i conclude that after watching italiancooking shows that this is the reason.. Surprise right!? but really these daysit seems like when you have one show, you have to have 2 more!! like cake boss,they have 'Cake Boss', then the other competition one.. i think its calledgreatest baker .. or something like that.. and then now they have 'Kitchenboss'!!

so back to the surfingyoutube part.. i was searching up different ways to make tirimasu and i come bythis woman who makes baking videos and owns a company called 'crumb boss', shehas great videos you should check out the videos and i think they have awebsite aswell! her videos are short and give good tips to the interestingrecipes she makes, and there are max. 8 min!! so you dont sit there for 40 min.watching the dang cake bake in the oven! so then i came across a video that shemade about cake pops.. and now i want to make cake pops! since it is about theweekend and it is friday (even though every day has felt like friday sinceschool is out!) i think i will make them tomorrow and post pictures (of course)and maybe the recipe so you can go try it out!! :)

Sorry i forgot thequote of the day yesterday.. :( but to make it up i will have 2 today!

Quotes: "Youbreak my heart everyday, but i still can't say that i dont love you." -Anonymous

“I'm selfish,impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and attimes hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure ashell don't deserve me at my best.”
― Marilyn Monroe
(the anonymous ones iusually find on random quote websites..btw ) ;)

ByeBye and remember.. Stay Golden ;)

- Emilia

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