Monday, June 11, 2012

Numbness: loss of sensation, no feeling

Today had a lot of components... from acting like a gangster, to not having any feeling in my mouth, to going on a rather peaceful walk in the forest, to spilling water all over myself and now i am just chilling (so i guess it was an adventurous day but i have experienced worse before..)

So i will explain more in detail what these things meant. ;) So today i had to wake early to the bright sun (oohh what a joy it is.. -.-) then i had to wake my cranky brother up, then rush to the bus stop to find that we were early.. Then we took that city bus to go visit the "lovely" dentist office close by and go attend our appointments. I will just say now i did go there because i did have a cavity :O ( i know.. i know.. well i do have some sort of an excuse, that i did have my braces not too long ago... so i'm trying to say that the dentist said that it usually happens because the after the braces the teeth are more exposed. If that made any sense to you guys... :)

Anyhow now i am sitting here having no feeling mostly in my left cheek but also my right cheek. So it feels REALLY weird touching it. I don't know if any of you guys has ever experienced this numb feeling before but it is just downright weird and unnatural. It just isn't right for the human body to experience!! :P I have always wanted the dentists to perform on my teeth when i am "under" (under on a anesthesia) like they do for cats and dogs!! (i saw this when i volunteered at a vet clinic in Canada). Becuase then we wouldn't hear all those shrieking noises! Anyways.... the good thing about it is that it prevents pain, and makes going to the dentist pain free! :D

Ok.. enough of my "science lecture" now i will continue on about what happened next in my day. Oh did i mention that we were also early to the dentist office so we (again) had to wait, but this time for an hour!! I was staring to really get sick of staring at my iPhone screen! O sorry did it again.. now i am back on track! So after the dreadful appointment, my brother and i headed over to shell to fetch ourselves some snacks and sodas (we like to counteract what the dentist tells us to do right After the appointment, so we feel like rebels ;O). But the thing was i Kind of forgot that i had numbness in my left cheek.... so when i went to take a sip of my villa.... well you guys can probably already guess what happened.. the villa just slurred into my mouth but then came right back out again. At least nobody saw me.. or at least i don’t think.

After that our dad picked us up and we headed home. Erlend (my twin brother, IF u don’t remember) ;) and i headed to the forest to take my dog for a walk. There i basically just took some pics and afterwards came home to chill.

Oh I almost forgot!! In the morning I decided to act, no BE a gangster. So since my brother came home after the baseball tournament he got all this stuff from the team.. including this cool hat, that I stole for a bit and used to make me become a gangster (for about 20 min or so..). And of course I took pictures.. I think the hat could be referred to a snapback ( but im not quite sure if I used that terminology right). I just wanted to be a ‘semi-gangster’ for the morning. :P
Here is the quote of the day: "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened" - Dr. Seuss

ByeBye and remember.. Stay Golden ;)

- Emilia