Monday, June 25, 2012


Not a lot has happened to me in this past week.. oh ya sorry that i havent blogged in so long (i know i know.. i am becoming one of those bloggers who dont post for weeks, im sorry that i let you down!! .. not alot has happened but yet everything new has happened, if you get what i mean.

So early on this last week i got my hair re-died, and it has a lighter look to it, which i like. :) and then i had a soccer match which was a tough one.. but we won!! (of course.. :P) But ya then i made a cake for the American father's day.. because i needed to have an excuse too make this experimental cake which i have been dying to start.. see!! another new thing that week ;) well it was a fondant cake and it was a success!! :D it was made for my dad and my grandpa.. so that will answer your questions on why the cake says " #1 Dads" .. not because i have gay dads or anything.. its just cuz since my grand parents just came to visit from phoenix i changed the noun to a plural subject.. well afterall my grandpa isnt just that (a grandpa) he is a also a father technically. :P so i achieved something new and also it is the first time that my grandparents have come to visit since we moved back! It has been lots of fun especially with my grandma and grandpa being around. ;) Oh ya!! i forgot to mention that i attempted a checkerboard cake and it all worked out in the end even thought the journey almost gave me a mental breakdown.. !! :P hahah just kidding it truned out great and tasted delish!!

guess whats coming up..................... I'm going to visit canada soon!!!!! It's going to be lots of fun seeing my old friends and going back to my old stable and going on a trip to overnight Iin the mountain with the horses! Ahhhh the fresh air and the smell of horse... life can't get any better.... and it isn't just going to be fun for me it will be fun for you guys too, you will get to see pics of canada and get a preview of the rockies!! so stay tuned ;)

I hate that moment when you are having a wonderful dream and then you get woken up by your alarm... and also when you are about to hit the hay when the cute boy messages you on fb.. and you feel like you have to keep on the conversation while you are half asleep.. but you stay up anyways.. ;)

This week i also hanged out with my friend andrea in sola where i found something that made my day and we also saw a lot of cute guys who worked in the nursing home across the street ;))

Today i tried for my first time, cake pops and they were pretty awesome and good i shall say.. i toped them with melted marshmallow and chocolate! I have been obsessed with watching crumb boss for the past few days... and now i am n=going to attempt watching their longest baking video which has 4 parts to it and its for the yule log.. so it will be a loooong process but dont worry crumb boss i am up for any challenge!!

Oh and also i have learned some new therories in science... ( this is the time when, if you dont like or hate science, you should stand up from your desk and stretch your neck, and if you are reading this blog from your phone then you should consider taking a break and making those brownies you have been dying to make.. or if your laying on your bed with your mac then you can maybe consider taking your dog for a walk.. because i will be explaining some of the laws of the dark science which learks ariund us.. but if you like talk about the quantum physics then stay!!) ;D So as i was watching this documentary about this kind of science.. i learned that the pull of gravity is more in the sence the cause of the 'fabric' of the cosmos. When i say that i mean that it is not a force which is being performed by gravity but an outcome. Einstein stated that 'space' was like fabric and when a heavy object would be placed in it, it would stretch and bend around the object and allowing it to fall for a certain extent. So then any objects coming near would spiral around it continually.. performing the 'force' of the gravitational pull. Also this theory changed what newton had said before.. i also learned that empty space isnt so empty... and i am not talking about particles.. i know you scientists out there are probs thinking ' of course it isnt empty there are particles present!!' but i am talking about the space between those particles.. the higgs particules... this theory by higgs himself says that the mass of the particules can increase or decrease passed on this space of higg particles.. and the interesting thing that got me to understand this was that Brian Greene used an analogy comparing the higgs theory with fame.. which was just mind boggling but yet so intriguing!!

so anyways.. in a couple days i am heading up to bergen just to chill so that will be fun.. and apparently based on siri .. it is supposed to be sunny!! and that is rare based on the normal weather forcast of bergen!!

quote of the day: " Forgiveness will set you free" - Stig Jarl Meling

Bye Bye and remember Stay Golden ;)

- Emilia 

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