Monday, June 25, 2012


Not a lot has happened to me in this past week.. oh ya sorry that i havent blogged in so long (i know i know.. i am becoming one of those bloggers who dont post for weeks, im sorry that i let you down!! .. not alot has happened but yet everything new has happened, if you get what i mean.

So early on this last week i got my hair re-died, and it has a lighter look to it, which i like. :) and then i had a soccer match which was a tough one.. but we won!! (of course.. :P) But ya then i made a cake for the American father's day.. because i needed to have an excuse too make this experimental cake which i have been dying to start.. see!! another new thing that week ;) well it was a fondant cake and it was a success!! :D it was made for my dad and my grandpa.. so that will answer your questions on why the cake says " #1 Dads" .. not because i have gay dads or anything.. its just cuz since my grand parents just came to visit from phoenix i changed the noun to a plural subject.. well afterall my grandpa isnt just that (a grandpa) he is a also a father technically. :P so i achieved something new and also it is the first time that my grandparents have come to visit since we moved back! It has been lots of fun especially with my grandma and grandpa being around. ;) Oh ya!! i forgot to mention that i attempted a checkerboard cake and it all worked out in the end even thought the journey almost gave me a mental breakdown.. !! :P hahah just kidding it truned out great and tasted delish!!

guess whats coming up..................... I'm going to visit canada soon!!!!! It's going to be lots of fun seeing my old friends and going back to my old stable and going on a trip to overnight Iin the mountain with the horses! Ahhhh the fresh air and the smell of horse... life can't get any better.... and it isn't just going to be fun for me it will be fun for you guys too, you will get to see pics of canada and get a preview of the rockies!! so stay tuned ;)

I hate that moment when you are having a wonderful dream and then you get woken up by your alarm... and also when you are about to hit the hay when the cute boy messages you on fb.. and you feel like you have to keep on the conversation while you are half asleep.. but you stay up anyways.. ;)

This week i also hanged out with my friend andrea in sola where i found something that made my day and we also saw a lot of cute guys who worked in the nursing home across the street ;))

Today i tried for my first time, cake pops and they were pretty awesome and good i shall say.. i toped them with melted marshmallow and chocolate! I have been obsessed with watching crumb boss for the past few days... and now i am n=going to attempt watching their longest baking video which has 4 parts to it and its for the yule log.. so it will be a loooong process but dont worry crumb boss i am up for any challenge!!

Oh and also i have learned some new therories in science... ( this is the time when, if you dont like or hate science, you should stand up from your desk and stretch your neck, and if you are reading this blog from your phone then you should consider taking a break and making those brownies you have been dying to make.. or if your laying on your bed with your mac then you can maybe consider taking your dog for a walk.. because i will be explaining some of the laws of the dark science which learks ariund us.. but if you like talk about the quantum physics then stay!!) ;D So as i was watching this documentary about this kind of science.. i learned that the pull of gravity is more in the sence the cause of the 'fabric' of the cosmos. When i say that i mean that it is not a force which is being performed by gravity but an outcome. Einstein stated that 'space' was like fabric and when a heavy object would be placed in it, it would stretch and bend around the object and allowing it to fall for a certain extent. So then any objects coming near would spiral around it continually.. performing the 'force' of the gravitational pull. Also this theory changed what newton had said before.. i also learned that empty space isnt so empty... and i am not talking about particles.. i know you scientists out there are probs thinking ' of course it isnt empty there are particles present!!' but i am talking about the space between those particles.. the higgs particules... this theory by higgs himself says that the mass of the particules can increase or decrease passed on this space of higg particles.. and the interesting thing that got me to understand this was that Brian Greene used an analogy comparing the higgs theory with fame.. which was just mind boggling but yet so intriguing!!

so anyways.. in a couple days i am heading up to bergen just to chill so that will be fun.. and apparently based on siri .. it is supposed to be sunny!! and that is rare based on the normal weather forcast of bergen!!

quote of the day: " Forgiveness will set you free" - Stig Jarl Meling

Bye Bye and remember Stay Golden ;)

- Emilia 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Åmøy trip

So this weekend my family and i went out to Åmøy to spend the night out there in our cabin. We also have a cabin in Colorado, USA which i love as well. My dad's side of the family originally comes from that island. The island is really close to Stavanger, so it is only about a 45 min drive out there!! It is like heaven on earth ( i know.. i usually Hate cliches but i do them anyways..), no but really it is the most peaceful place that you can experience peace.. Thats what i love about Norway.. you could be surrounded by hundreds of houses but then drive for 5 min and not see a single house as far as the eye can see!! Its spectacular and awesome! It was sort of rainy but another thing about our cabin or cottage out there ;) is that it is enjoyable when it rains or when it is sunny as can be.. I mean like when there is a storm you can stay inside and play old board games and when it is sunny i like to go running in the fields with my dog (very dramatic right??) ;P. It is an old cabin, it still has running water, but our other cabin in Colorado (from my moms side) is the old rustic log cabin with no electricity and running water. So we use rain water, have an outhouse, use gaz lights or candles. It doesnt really bother me because then you get the full experience! Oh! and also since it is on government land (it was built 70 years ago when it wasn't govn't land.. so it was allowed) no one else is around us because it is illegal to build there anymore.. So that means No screaming texans that would be just meters away!! :P so it is just peace with the fresh air of the Rockies..:)

I have been going to the Åmøy cabin ever since I was little. My brother and I always used to play on our little tractors but then our grandfather would let us ride in a REAL tractor as well. When it becomes the afternoon the sun gets really strong and creates a warm orangey light that penetrates through the island, making everything so beautiful and intense looking. Since it was a real working and operating farm it still has some of the old equipment lying around there. I have a lot of good memories from there and hope there are still plenty more to be made.

 Anyways.. the pictures I took are from the island where our cabin lays and the farmland on it or which is surrounding it.
Quote for today: Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose. ~From the television show The Wonder Years

Bye Bye and remember.. Stay Golden ;)

Friday, June 15, 2012

Sweatpants all Day

Today was anotherchill day.. After my jog and walk with nickie I tanned a bit (because there wasfinally sun that lasted over 5 min!) and relaxed. I also did some reading anddrawing. I have also been trying to master the art of flying this toyhelicopter (i alwasy accidentally call it a "plane", but then erlendsays with his annoyed voice.. "It is a helicopter! for. the. last.time...")

Anyways it is harderthan it looks even though my brother is a pro at it, but i think it is becausehe has been practicing on it for the majority of his free time..even though wegot it 2 days ago. :P so i still cant takeoff and land successfully.. I alwaysget it levelled in the air nicely but then when i realize i have to use theother controller thingy to make it move forward i forget about the powercontrol (the one that keeps it in the air.. can you see where this is going..)but actually i do the opposite what you thing i would do, when the airplane.. imean helicopter .. starts going down i excel to much then it just goes uptowards the ceiling.. before it even hits the ceiling i freak out (because idon't want it to touch the ceiling!) and drop the controller thingy majigy onthe couch and run backwards, imitating that there is supposed to be a crash orsomething (in my mind) when there isnt. then resulting in the helicoptercrashing to the ground! -.- So now i have been suspended from the toy *cough*airplane *cough* HELICOPTER.

After those traumaticevents i was surfing youtube in cooking videos. These days i have wanted tomake tiramisu (i have made it before i just want to do it again) ;P, and ithink i know why... Ever since the cake boss 'buddy' made a new show called 'kitchen boss' ( I know right Soooo creative..) i have been watching it. and thelatest show they made tiramisu.. so i conclude that after watching italiancooking shows that this is the reason.. Surprise right!? but really these daysit seems like when you have one show, you have to have 2 more!! like cake boss,they have 'Cake Boss', then the other competition one.. i think its calledgreatest baker .. or something like that.. and then now they have 'Kitchenboss'!!

so back to the surfingyoutube part.. i was searching up different ways to make tirimasu and i come bythis woman who makes baking videos and owns a company called 'crumb boss', shehas great videos you should check out the videos and i think they have awebsite aswell! her videos are short and give good tips to the interestingrecipes she makes, and there are max. 8 min!! so you dont sit there for 40 min.watching the dang cake bake in the oven! so then i came across a video that shemade about cake pops.. and now i want to make cake pops! since it is about theweekend and it is friday (even though every day has felt like friday sinceschool is out!) i think i will make them tomorrow and post pictures (of course)and maybe the recipe so you can go try it out!! :)

Sorry i forgot thequote of the day yesterday.. :( but to make it up i will have 2 today!

Quotes: "Youbreak my heart everyday, but i still can't say that i dont love you." -Anonymous

“I'm selfish,impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and attimes hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure ashell don't deserve me at my best.”
― Marilyn Monroe
(the anonymous ones iusually find on random quote websites..btw ) ;)

ByeBye and remember.. Stay Golden ;)

- Emilia

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Capturing the Moment

Today was another chill day.. When Erlend and I took nickie out for a walk we decided (well more I..) that we should explore the farmland near our house that I have always wanted to head over to. And we found a way to get to it!! So we were just chilling and running around there for a bit since it was such nice weather out! Just blue skies, the peaceful ocean and the warm wind.. Ahhh got to love that summer feel..

I have always loved adventure and exploring new areas in the forest or just around the house in the farmland, just like my dog. :) Usually Erlend is up for it too, since every morning when we take our dog out i am always wanting or begging him for us to check out some new areas or places to enjoy.

So the pictures I took today are from my iPhone so sorry if they aren't the Best.. Because I forgot my camera, and Erlend didn't let me go back to get it. :P (I know .. I know.. I always have to forget something!)

Anyways has been a good day, and now Erlend is just catching up with some 'touch' episodes since he was gone for the baseball tournament with the national team! :D

So.. Have a great day! ByeBye and remember.. Stay Golden ;)