Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Summer Feeling

Sitting and watching baseball in the warm summer sun while enjoying some fresh fruit made me finally realize that it is actually summer! ahhh finally after a long school year I get to relax for some months and then get a fresh start in the fall... life is good.

So this long weekend my family and I drove down to Kristiansand for a baseball tournament. It was sunny the whole time with surprisingly warm temperatures. We stayed in this zoo themed hotel that was more adventurous then expected, but hey it was fun to be a kid again for the weekend. It is right at the center of the only zoo situated in Norway called 'Dyreparken' with numerous kids running around pretending to be wild animals or little pirates (there is a pirate that is the mascot of the park that is very famous among young kids).

The atmosphere at the ball park where erlend played all his games was awesome, it felt like I was in America. There was a concession stand with overly priced hotdogs (typical Norway) and everyone sitting around watching players steal home base or hitting doubles. It was awesome seeing all these Norwegians so into the game and showing their passion for baseball. I always love watching erlend play, he definitely looks like the real deal when he is up to bat! There were a lot of cute Norwegian baseball players as well so I didn't mind one bit staying at the field for hours on end. ;)

I couldn't be more excited for this summer. In 10 days we are starting our road trip through Europe down to our final destination of Italy. In Italy we will spend 5 days in the countryside staying at this cute little farm with a few cottages. We did this exact same road trip 10 years ago and stayed at the same little farm! The family even remembers us! I am excited to go there again and see the same Italy and the same Europe 10 years later only with different eyes.

Then after 2 weeks in Europe with my family and seeing friends I have one day in Stavanger then im off to Colorado for 5 weeks! I first stop off in phoenix and stay with my grandparents for a couple nights and get to see my awesome aunt as well! I am so exited to see them and get to spend time with them all by myself. I haven't been to phoenix in a whole year! Then after a couple night in phoenix my grandma, a friend of hers and I will drive down to Colorado. I will stay at the family cabin for a week with my grandma, sleep there at night and during the day work at the toners ranch. Then once my grandma leaves to return to phoenix I will live in a trailer on the property of the ranch I am working at. I might just stay in the trailer the whole 5 some weeks instead but we'll see when we get there. I love Colorado and especially pagosa springs which is a very cute small town 45 min or so from the cabin. The nature the cabin is surrounded in is magnificent and the town is so cute as well! I can definitely see my self living in that area and having my own little ranch on some few hundred acres on the land surrounding pagosa springs. I just cant wait to be independent for a whole month, living by myself working daily on the ranch with horses surrounded by gorgeous nature. Getting to live like a cowgirl and have the western dream is just surreal and I cant believe I get to do what I love for half of the summer and get some time being with people that love the same things I do and having the chance to be 100% myself. The Toner family which owns the ranch and who will be hosting my stay is soooo nice and are the real American western family, I love it! Colorado people are so down to earth and very welcoming. I also cant wait to meet some new people and make new friendships. Maybe there will be a cute cowboy working at the Toner ranch as well, who knows.. ;)

the future holds amazing and exiting things, i just cant wait to experience them!

Have a blessed and awesome day filled with many new joyful things! Remember to live every day to its fullest, there will never be a day like this again in history. Today the 10th of june 2014 is the only one in the universe, so live it like you have never lived before.

Stay golden ;)

- Emilia

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