Monday, June 16, 2014

Living a Vegan Lifestyle

For about a year now I have been vegan. There were some months I switched back and forth from vegetarianism and veganism but for the majority of the year I was fully vegan (about 9 months). In the beginning I didn't know much about nutrition so I was eating unhealthy food that just happened to be labeled vegan such as chips, French fries and other quite fattening foods. I didn't come across the high carb low fat plant based lifestyle until a few months into the transition. I was eating way too much fat and protein so I didn't have a lot of energy and I didn't exercise much. But after researching the lifestyle of high carb veganism I fell in love. I was suspicious of the lifestyle at first as I have come from a background of calorie restriction and yoyo dieting. So when I heard you could eat as MANY calories as you desired on this lifestyle I questioned if that was actually true. After seeing that people have been doing this way of living and eating for over 30 years I was convinced I had to try it. I have been doing this lifestyle for a couple months now and I love it! Of course it takes a lot longer than that to see permanent results but so far I have had quite a few positive effects. I have stronger nails, way more energy than I used to, softer hair, I have lost some weight (weight isn't my focus on this journey however, I am more focused on reaching optimal health) and my eyes have become brighter and more aqua green! mental clarity is also a big one, the more fruit and vegies I eat the more clearly I am thinking and easier I can focus. Cooked food clouds my mind a bit but not so much, it still allows me to listen to my body and have that connection. That's another benefit of this lifestyle that you are able to listen to your body and the cleaner you get with your eating the more your body will let you know if you have done something wrong. Humans aren't that good about listening to there bodies. For example a headache is the bodies way of saying you are dehydrated or that you are lacking nutrients but people think it is normal and just take heaps of pills to mask the symptoms or the messages your body is giving you. Pills only silence the pain and mask the symptoms of the deep inner problem your body is trying to tell you to fix, people just chose not to listen. FOOD IS THY MEDICINE, so use it! Whole fruits and vegetables is the key or even simpler clean carbohydrates cure your body as that is what your body needs. When I say clean carbohydrates I mean whole fruits, veggies, rice, pasta, potatoes, or root veggies and other types of grain. Your body can actually heal itself if you allow it to. There was a research done that said on average the human being gets 6 types of cancers in its life and fights them off naturally/overcomes them. It is only when the doctors notice one by a scan that things start to get worse. Chemotherapy weakens your immune system and makes it so you get sicker. Then the cancer gets worse and a lot of people die at this stage. The body doesn’t need help from doctors or medicine it is designed to work on its own. Medicine is just a business! They are robbing you of your money! I am glad I have realised this now so I can prevent having poor health in the future and paying thousands of dollars on health care, pills, doctor visits and other medicine. By preventing having poor health eat your fruits, veggies and cooked carbs and let your body do its own healing! Believe in your own body that it can thrive on its own.

The reason why you can eat so much on this diet is because the excess carbs aren't stored as fat, they are stored as energy in the body for you to use later.. when you eat to much fat the excess fat that isn't used is stored as FAT. so basically the fat you eat is the fat you wear!

The common questions high carb vegans get are WHERE DO YOU GET YOUR PROTEIN?? and DONT CARBS MAKE YOU FAT??

the answer to the first question is FRUITS AND VEGGIES.. yes they contain protein!! That's why fruit really is food sent from the gods because fruit actually contains 5-6% protein and a percentage of fat that I cant remember the number of but it does contain low levels of fat. Vegetables contain 10-11% and dark green vegetables contain 20-25% protein.. what?!?!? broccoli and spinach have more protein than meat?! yes it is true.

Now as I am talking about protein, people are obsessed about protein.. they think we need LOTS of protein to survive and that PROTEIN IS LIFE it is our fuel for our daily lives.. wrong.. carbs are our fuel..

Hate to break it to you folks but the government and western society (which has a big impact on the world) has fooled you! they have tricked you into thinking you need lots of protein and that you have to eat MEAT EGGS and DAIRY to get it and only that, nothing else. Why? because the meat and dairy industries pay them to do it. Why do you think there are so many commercials for meat eggs and dairy. For example Got Milk? is an ad campaign to get people to drink more milk which the industry of dairy PAYED the government to make. The meat industry is brain washing people.. The body physically doesn't need THAT much protein.. we actually only need about 2-5% of protein from our foods. There is no such thing as protein deficiency, and it only exists in anorexic or bulimic people and that's because they aren't eating ENOUGH food. So the conclusion is that if you are eating enough food you are getting ENOUGH protein. Look at people who have been living this lifestyle for 12 years or even 32 years. Proof is in the pudding folks. If you want scientific facts than there is a wonderful book called " Engine 2 diet" and another book I forget the name of I think its called "reversing diabetes" or something like that. I have done countless numbers of hours of research about this lifestyle and I know what I am doing and I believe it is my ticket to success. The question I like to ask people is “have you done your research” have you actually taken the time to research your own diet find out what is really in meat dairy and eggs, because if you have I am surprised you are still eating it as you would be shocked to find out what is really in those foods. Do you take the time to care for your own health and do your OWN research or do you just choose to believe what the government tells you what they are paid to tell you. It is a system I tell you. The system gives you food to eat, you get sick or gain weight, the system provides you with medicine to “help” you and put you in hospitals so you can pay massive amounts of money to maybe cure your disease. Then you have this disease long enough that you have used up all your money, die or if you get cured there are high risks of you getting it again. Why do you think there are no cures for cancer, AIDS or other big diseases.. its because the system needs people to get sick so they have people to heal! If you didn’t have sick people, there would be no hospitals or doctors. Doctors are only there because there are sick people, and the system provides them with their income by providing them with sick people (who are eating the mainstream diet). You cant believe that you will live to 100 yrs old and not get diseases if you are eating the mainstream diet.. The reason people cant wrap their heads around this diet and lifestyle is because they have been brain washed and I have chosen to be open minded and think about other options. I chose to go against mainstream and care about my own health as society sure doesn’t give a fruit about if I die from cancer or not. Choose to be your own person, don’t be a part of the system.

I am not the only person to think like this, hundreds and maybe thousadns by now have tried and thrived on this lifestyle because it WORKS. Veganism has been proved to reverse heart disease, arthritis, cancer, diabetes and more. The people who eat the most potatoes in the world are lean as can be! And the couple that has eaten more bananas than anyone else in the world is healthy as can be, even the doctor approved of their lifestyle after seeing blood test results. The people that eat the most meat and dairy in the world are obese and unhealthy. Choose YOUR lifestyle based on your own decisions not from societys decision.   

Lance Armstrong and Steve Jobs even did this lifestyle! Steve Jobs was a fruitarian so a bit more extreme than me but Lance does the same as what I am doing. He says he does the ‘engine 2 diet’ (look it up!) and that is the same as high carb low fat/protein veganism. Join the vegan revolution and follow what the pros are doing! It really works!

Anyways sorry for ranting so much about it I just am very passionate about the subject you could say.

Here is a list of some people who follow this lifestyle that I like to follow and watch videos on youtube: Durianrider, Freelee the banana girl, tannyraw and 40belowfruity

Some other youtubers that are funny and random: Moni maris and jenna marbles.

Quote of the day:  Begin at once to live, and count each separate day as a separate life.”

-          Seneca

Bye and have a splendid day

Remmeber to stay golden ;)

-          Emilia

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