Thursday, June 13, 2013

peaceful mondays are what everyone needs..

Mondays are always associated to bad and miserable days.. but it doesn't always have to be like that! the outcome of your day is based on your outlook on the day. positivity is key to happiness!! but everyone does need a peaceful Monday once in there life, eh? (my Canadian side is coming out) ;).

my Monday I have to say was spectacular!! not to brag or anything ... :P but anyways I have become quit the yogi these past couple of weeks with doing yoga almost everyday now, my body simply craves it and I love it! it brings such peace to my mind along with meditation. you could say I have become quite the crunchy granola with being vegan and practising yoga and meditation every day. so my Monday morning started off with a nice long yoga session with my mom, we tried out this new guy which turned out to be a hit! he is awesome and we already love after only doing 2 of his classes! his name his Chaz and you should check him out at :)) we had the intense insense burning to really get the mood going and make it last throughout the day. I just loooove insence!! UGH cant get enough of it.

after the yoga I followed it with an easy run in the hot sunny weather, it was hard though since I am more of a cold runner who thrives in cold windy and rainy conditions. after taking a shower post run, I decided to do some vegan baking! I haven't done any of my vegan recipes in a while and I was feeling an itch for it and since it is summer now I had the time to do it! I started off by making sunflower seed butter out of sunflower seeds, which is essentially the same concept of peanut butter but with sunflower seeds. it didn't turn out tooo creamy but it was still awesome!! then I made a gluten free vegan bread which had to bake for an hour. while that was cooking I made snickers ice cream bars all vegan, sugar, oil and gluten free!! there turned out oh so delightful and good and tasted just like the real thing!! you know vegan cooking doesn't have to be disgusting ;)  I had some blueberries in the fridge that I didn't know what to do with so I made some muffins and since I didn't have any dates left I just used figs, and I didn't have cashews so I used pecans! so it became a fig, pecan and bluberry muffin! my whole family loved them!

after all this baking I helped my dad clean his car and then since my dog hadn't gone out for a walk yet my mom, dad and I went to explore the farm fields and make the long walk up to this viewpoint not to far from our house that my brother and I discovered not to long ago. when we started the walk my mother was convinced that it would take hours but I proved her wrong when it only took 30 min. when I kept on saying 5 more min she said I sounded like my Norwegian father :P we had to walk through a field filled with cows, sheep and goats to get there and these two cows were following us determined to get us out of the field. we concluded that it was nickie that made them want to check us out and see what we were doing. when we came back they were mooing at us aggressively and cornered us on the side of the field so we decided to make a run for the gate when we saw it appear along the side of the fence. there were some cows alright! the field next to the field with the moody cows was filled with knee high grass which my dog had so much fun jumping through since he was too short to see over the grass tops :P he would try to jump like bambi or prance just to try to see where he was going. it was a funny scene to watch ;P he got quite tired of this jumping so I decided to carry him the rest of the way through the thick grass. I got some cute pictures of him though ;)

when I got home I made some zucchini pasta with this awesome mango, orange, parsley and tomato sauce it marinated in for awhile. the flavour was quite strong of orange since I added orange peel to it aswell, which could have been disregarded. but or else it was a good dish!

quote of the day: Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.”
― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

see you later and remember stay golden ;)


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