Sunday, June 23, 2013

departure time - 12:20

It is officially the day before we leave for phoenix!! tomorrow our first flight leaves Norway for London at 12:20pm! AH I am sooo excited to get bombarded with heat and the sunshine, see family that I haven't seen in ages! Also I am overly excited to fill my days with relaxation/meditation, getting tan, lots of yoga, getting able to go to a gym that is not far away, swimming, shopping and getting a chance to be a fully raw vegan!!! I will be a fruit monster while being able to go high carb low fat raw vegan. it sounds like a diet but it is a lifestyle. since fruit is so expensive here in Norway it is hard to do, but in phoenix it is much cheaper and I already found farmers markets, whole sale places where I can stock up on fruit and fully live the lifestyle that I dream about and thrive to wanting to live. It is the superior diet which I believe you can achieve your optimal health and now I can do it 100 percent for a whole 1 month!! when I get back to Norway I will probably have to resume the raw vegan diet at only 60-70 percent with having some cooked meals here and there but still going high carb low fat vegan. It is sooo rawsome and carbalisious! :P don't be afraid of carbs they fuel your body for the whole entire day!! I mean good carbs of course (fruit, vegetables, whole grains, wild rice, quinoa..). don't be afraid of the sugar in fruit since every cell in our body runs on glucose! on this lifestyle you have unlimited calories and can have humongous portion sizes since it is pure nutrients your body uses. you won't gain weight either since your body is using all the good healthy things you are feeding it! you will never overdose on fruit! if anything the only thing you have to worry about while going on this lifestyle is eating enough calories! so I will be trying to shove down 2000-2500 calories a day at least of raw fruits and veggies with small amounts of nuts and seeds. if you want to see proof that oyu don't gain weight search up freely the banana girl, durian rider or fully raw Kristina on YouTube or the internet to see it! they all are high carb low fat raw vegans that have been doing this long term and are lean mean working machines!! the two girls freely and Kristina are both SUPER fit and healthy and they eat at least 3000 calories of fruit and veg every single day! I wish I could live their lives.. my family is quite against the idea and with fruit being soo expensive it is hard to convince them.. but where there is a will there is a way!! so my lifelong goal that I will for sure be starting once I move out and go off to college will be to become a 100 percent raw veganer. but I am doing the best I can for now and just having that dream at the back of my head of being at that optimal health that I can achieve.. I can only dream..

on Thursday my brother and I walked down to a beach only 20 min away and 5 min driving distance. it was super sunny and we toke our dog with. we are thinking of putting our money together to buy a gopro camera thingy that we could get for phoenix so we have a project to work on in phoenix and Colorado. so that will be fun! :) then that afternoon I went horseback riding with my friend. I rode for a long 50 min at gave my horse punky and myself a real workout! we were both sweating our brains out! so since he was dripping and covered in sweat I gave him a cold shower. then of course when I let him back out into the field the first thing he did when not even taking two steps into the field was roll in dirt.. haha that is punky!! he is one funny fjord :P the next day I just went on a trail ride with him which was nice and peaceful. he was especially good and I got some cute pictures of him and the herd when I put him back out in the field for the night. I figured out that he is the leader of the herd since when he was gone the other horses waited at the gate for him until he got back :P so I am proud of him being a leader and taking care of his herd :) I also got priceless pics of when he came up to the gate to say goodbye his girlfriend joined so I got pictures of them both together <3

on that Friday Erlend joined me down at the farm to feed the lambs and I got some funny pictures of him giving milk to 49 aswell. We saw a group of horseback riders go bye that were riding western with western saddles! Not something you see everyday in Norway! 

on Saturday we got up super early to drive down to Kristiansand so we could watch Erlend play 2 baseball games. it was really intense, they lost the first game only by 1 point after having to go into extra innings and the second game they won 10-4! the team they won against was really good but erlends team was better! he did so well pitching and playing first place, he did a lot of good plays! I am sure proud of him!

today was just a packing and planning day to prepare for our journey to phoenix tomorrow. Erlend went to oslo to play more baseball. I cooked, fried and ate the plantains raw that I have been ripening for weeks now. my mom and dad loved them and so did I. they were so creamy and tasty! then afterwards we drove our dog, Nickie to the kennel wich was sad ;(

okay bye bye and remember stay golden ;)

quote of the day: “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
― H. Jackson Brown Jr.

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