Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I Love Lucy and homemade orange juice

The last couple of days I have been a little under the weather.. I have had a stuffed up head and nose for a couple of days now but its getting better. I didn't go down to the barn or the farm for two days so it was good to see 48, 49 and Punky today after not seeing them for a while!

on Sunday and Monday I literally just chilled the whole day since I was feeling so sick. it bugged me that I couldn't do anything physical like go horseback riding or do my daily yoga or go jogging in the sunny weather there was. but I just had to accept that my body was telling me it needed to rest, and I had to listen to it by taking it easy. it makes sense that my body needed a rest since after exams my brain was dead and once summer started I was going down to the farm to work for 4-5 hours and then straight to the barn for 2 hours to ride each and every day, so I needed the rest :P

a favorite thing I like to do when I am sick is to watch the  "I Love Lucy" show. it is a comedy tv series filmed in the 50's about a red head named Lucy and her Cuban husband. it is just pure humor, I love it! its not like todays humor that is racist or sexist or based on making fun of cultures or nationalities. so I grabbed some raisins and squeezed some oranges to make my own homemade orange juice to sip on while laughing to "I Love Lucy" and nurturing myself back to health.

when my family and I watched "Downtown Abbey" that night a big thing happened, one of the characters died. I knew it was going to happen since I accidently saw a picture about it online but surprisingly I kept my mouth closed and didn't tell my family so they were shocked to find out that I knew this was going to happen all along! :P

on Monday we all headed down to the beach to grill our dinner in the sun and have our own BBQ. Nickie came along as well! earlier that day my mom and I went to the organic market to get some vegan hotdogs and hamburgers to eat that evening. we forgot to get some normal chicken hotdogs for my brother so my whole family ended up eating vegan that evening at our own BBQ!! it made me so happy, my brother was a little unhappy and sceptical but he even liked it! it was awesome, we brought our 'engangsgrill' which is a portable grill that you use only one time. we brought towels to lay on, on the sand and a picnic basket with watermelon berries, dried banana and our vegan hotdogs and burgers! we brought along some paddle things with a ball that we all played with after eating our dinner. we found a place that was like a ditch amid the sand dunes that was protected from the wind so it was the ideal place. my brother and I ran with nickie along the shoreline on the sandy beach to tire out nickie so he could rest while we would eat/ we told some riddles while waiting for the hotdogs to grill which was fun and tricky!  it was intense while I was diving all over the place while we were trying to beat our record of hitting around 8 times! doesn't sound like a lot but it sure took some time to beat! the sun was absolutely gorgeous and it was a fun family bonding time for sure!

on Tuesday I went to the hairdresser to get my hair re dyed and I decided to get it dyed close to my natural color which is a dark honey dirty blonde colour instead of my normal blonde highlight and lowlights which I usually get. so it was a nice change and now my hair is more darker and closer to my natural hair colour.

today I went down to the farm at 9 30 am. it started with me milking 48 and 49 as usual. then afterwards I helped the famer gather up the pigs that were going to be sent on to their new location. he first went into each stall and slapped on a tattoo marking that pricked a number in ink on their rump and he marked the ones we chose he was going to send off with a blue sharpie. then afterwards we had to go in each separate stall, gather and move the ones that were marked while making sure the other ones that weren't marked wouldn't get out. that took a good 2 hours of pure muscle and sweat since the pigs are heavy and strong weighing in at about 100 kilos and they can be stubborn while they put up the fight!

while we waited for the delivery truck to come get them I went in the tractor with the farmer to go get some fertiliser (pig poo) from this big container where he stores it all and then we drove to one of his fields which he owns a few km away to do some rounds of fertilising of spraying the fields with this pig poo. it was sooo fun it was like riding a roller coaster when the tractor was powering up the hills while spraying the fields in this pig poo. I didn't mind the smell since I am used to it and I was just in farm heaven! when we got back the farmer asked me to try and go give some milk to this lamb that is so small and weak which he doesn't think will make it. so I went out to the field and 48 came running down along with 49 so I gave them a drink and then I suddenly noticed a lamb laying down in a little dip in the grassy hill only a few meters ahead of me. I realised it was the weak lamb I was looking for. I approached it and it was worrying when it didn't get up and run away from me since it is usually scared of me. it struggled to get up with it barely having enough energy to lift its head. so I got down and petted it gently to calm it down. it layed its head down and it looked sick. I really thought this was its last minutes alive he looked like he had no more life in him. thinking this I started saying things like " don't worry you can pass away, you can just rest here, we all love you, you have had a great life and it is okay if you leave.. you will go to a more peaceful place where you can have as much milk as you want and there will be so much green grass that you will become overexcited with pure happiness and joy. after 10 min of petting him he showed me he actually wanted to get up, so I lifted him up and helped him on his feet. he wobbled away and started eating some grass. he stumbled a few times and I could sense how weak we was. the farmer said its because he isn't drinking enough milk from his mother and he wouldn't even drink out of the bottle I tried to give him so due to the lack of milk he isn't getting he is just to weak and has trouble staying on his feet ;(

after being down at the farm I had some lunch and then headed to the barn to ride Punky. he was AWESOME, he was on his best behaviour and I was so happy with him. so we got a good workout and just missed the rain too! I got the rain while walking home though, but I loved it every step of the way. that summer rain hitting my face that was previously warm with sweat after the ride was one good feeling that couldn't stop me from smiling!

quote of the day: "Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. Your really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world."
— Lucille Ball (from the 50's hit TV show 'I Love Lucy')

bye bye and remember stay golden ;)

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