Tuesday, June 18, 2013

motherly instincts

These past few days have been interesting.. on Friday when I went down to the barn I couldn't find the bottle that I use to milk the lambs with so I sort of freaked out because now I had nothing to give the milk to the lambs with. the famer wasn't there so he couldn't help me so I just had to try using something else. there was another bottle but it had a different tip so I tried that but the poor lambs were confused since they had never seen this type of bottle before. so they got a bit frustrated and so did I since they was nothing I could do to help them. this is where my motherly instincts came in and I decided I was going to do something about it. I got my dad to drive me to a warehouse store that sells farming equipment where the farmer of the farmer I work at buys most of his stuff. my dad is familiar with the store since he worked there when he was a teenager himself. sure enough we found what we were looking for the first place we looked. after that we drove straight to the barn to save 48 and 49 from their famine ;P so they thought it was good to have a nice warm drink of milk out of a bottle they were familiar with.

on Friday afternoon I went to a BBQ down at my stables for a summer social kind of thing for everyone who boards their horse there. I grilled my vegan hotdogs while others grilled their pork ribs and burgers. on Saturday I went down early to the stables to get in a morning ride before continuing on down to work on the farm. I biked down at 8 in the morning to get in this workout session. Punky was really good and awake! so we got in a nice solid hard workout before I turned him back out into the field again for the day.

these past nights my dad, my brother and I have been watching the matrix movies and I just love them! I just think the concept of the movie is so cool. how the real world is actually fake and in the real world the machines rule. the machines made up this make believe world called 'the matrix' where the humans live their lives inside their mind when they believe they are doing things when they actually aren't. the machines trick them into thinking they are living a normal life when they actually are hooked into this system. the humans do things in this make believe world and create energy which forms electricity for the machines to use in the real world.

it was raining the night before so a lot of slugs were out crossing the sidewalk. a lot of cruel Norwegian kids like to runt hem over while biking. but when I biked down to the barn I felt like the girl in the matrix who can do anything while I was dodging all the slugs at lightning speed down the steep hill.. it was an adventurous moment in the morning :P the field next to the barn was being sprayed with pig poo as a fertiliser (that's what Norwegian farmers like to do to save money and be more efficient with resources) as I rode down the sidewalk on my bike to go to the farm after riding, the farmer was rounding the corner with the tractor and as he was coming on the edge of the field right next to the sidewalk I almost got sprayed with poop! it was a near hit experience! that would have been bad.. anyways it was a good busy day with me being outside for most of it.

quote of the day: “A mother knows what her child's gone through, even if she didn't see it herself.”
― Pramoedya Ananta Toer, Gadis Pantai

bye bye and remember stay golden ;)

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