Wednesday, August 22, 2012

man's best friend

So.. i am finally siting down to do the big entry of all of my vacation.. i have been dreading this because it is a lot of words and a lot of pics, but after today i go back to normal posts.
Basically my whole family (even including my dog) went up to the lofoten, and we started of by flying up to Bodø. We drove from there and through the lofoten mountains and to the final destination of the tiny little island of Værøy where my dog's breed is from. Along the way i cut myself with a cheese slicer, we took a boat through the troll fjorden, had cod liver oil, ate whale meat, had a seal stare at me and saw dead fish heads everywhere. on the boat to troll fjorden some random seagulls started following us and i thing because the boat created drag, then resulting in lift, the air would be easier to fly with behind the boat.. especially in the open fjord. it was really cool to see, so i got some good closeups of the seaguls. When we stopped of to look at a church, we kept nickie outside but since no one was there  we took him inside and got a picture of him on the priest mound pretending to be a priest while i am below him holding his bum to support his weight. :P u will see him in the pictures...It rained a bit, or mostly the beginning of the roadtrip and was very foggy/misty. Erlend complained that you couldn't see the mountains, but i thought that it just made the journey more mystical.. because it felt like you were trapped between the mountains and you were the last person on earth. it made also for a great landscape for photography ;). We also stoped at a few local organic farms to try their goat cheeses, which were to die/live for!! sooooo good! So if you ever pass through the lofoten area make sure you stop by the "aalen gård". I also got to learn a bit more about the vikings because they had museums and ancient sites where the vikings were.
When we took the boat from the tip of the lofoten islands to Værøy it was quite a bumby ride. But when we got there it was wearth the trip. it was a tiny island with sky high mountains surrounding the island and splitting the island into a north side and a south side. Most of the buildings were on the south side with less wind and the farms were more on the other side. When we arrived we went to a hall meeting with everyone with lundehunds. there were people from all around the world witht the same type of dogs. And imagine a big room filled with 200 dogs that mostly look the same..... but actually our dog )nickie= was so calm and he just layed down while people were talking about the events to come and while other dogs were barking. he is like me, he can sleep anywere anyhow. The fish industry is what kept this island alive.. so everywhere you turned you saw dried fish and fishheads hanging on wood. It is really cool because it is a part of their culture so they dry the fish outide during the storm and rain.. so it gets even more flavour. their even was an old airport there, but it was inoperable because of a crash that happened years ago. But now in the airport is a chocolate factory, which makes there own chocolate.. which is awesome and tastes soooo good!! We did the hike up to the village on the north side where the lundehund was originally from. There was also a parade theough the town, with all the lundehunds. And of course there were competitions and events were the dogs could socialize. Even our dog got reunited with some of his sisters and his mom!
On the way up there we went to an aquarium, where a seal looked straight at me throught he under water glass, which was awesome! I got to have a shot of cod liver oil, which was quite unpleasent.. but my dad was saying how he had to drink that every day, so that we are lucky and should just not complain and drink it. :P it tasted like warm oil with a strong fish taste....
All in all the trip was amazing and i loved, definetly one of the trips i will remember forever!!
Quote of the day: " The most wasted of all days is one without laughter" - e e cummings
bye Bye and remember Stay Golden ;)

- Emilia :D

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