Tuesday, July 17, 2012

leaving soon

hi i just wanted to say that i wont be posting for a while because we are leaving tomorrow and straight after that as you know im going to canada and i am not bringing my laptop. But i promise to take lots of pictures and post a giant 2 segment post when i get back!

k bye and sorry i havent taken any pics today so yes this will be just a plain ol' post with no photos :(

Stay Golden

- Emilia

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Misty Mornings

Hey sorry again, havent posted in a while because i have actually been quite busy... but anyways i did a little shopping last week and hung out with some friends. now i have officially started saving up for my new horse, i decided to call it " Horse Bucks" :P cuz its a play on words ;) i will post all the clothes that i have bought in the summer at the end of summer as one big haul.
i just came back from having overnighted at my cabin in Åmøy :) which was fun and it was sunny too :D but i forgot my camera so no pictures from there :(

I just finished packing for our trip up to lofoten in a couple of days, where we get to experience 24 hours of sunshine, YAY!! and then straight after that, like we are talking 24 hours after my mom and i come back early from the trip, that i catch a plane by myself to canada!!! :D I am sooooo excited and a bit nervous, not the flying bit, but having to go through heathrow airport during the olympics :O it is going to be chaotic! can't wait to see all my friends there and go up in the canadian rockies on horseback for five days...ahhh livin the dream :D

anyways about the title for this blog post, i know.. you wondering why is it called "misty mornings" when i havent even talked about mist even yet?!!? well answer to your question is that this past week it has been filled with mystical mornings present with mist (surprise right??) :P and i loved just walking my dog and not seeing 5 meters infront of me, it was like talking the walk of faith :P (if you see what i did there) ;)

My dad came home from boston with the maple syrup from a local place near boston, its the real stuff!! i hate when people say they have "aunt jamaima's syrup" (sorry dont know how to spell her name) when it isnt even maple syrup!! also my dad brought the clothes i ordered hoe aswell :D

Quote of the day:
“You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching,
Love like you'll never be hurt,
Sing like there's nobody listening,
And live like it's heaven on earth.”
― William W. Purkey

ByeBye and remember Stay Golden ;)

- Emilia

Friday, July 6, 2012

Long Journey.. Sun Filled Days

hey everybody!! sorry i havent written in a loooooonnnnggg time i have just been to busy!! (i know, i know....excuses excuses ;P) Anyways where were we....? oh ya i just talked about how we were about to head up to bergen for a few dayys.. and we did and it was ssoooooo sunny and hot!! i was in shock, my (see now you just learnt something new ;) and some people got a refresher on the info about norway.. :D. )

So bergen was great! and i bought some new clothes which i love <3333 and we just chilled basically. Haha something happened to me in the restaurant that always happens to me including in calgary!! so when i order my meal, they first forget and mess up my dish, out of everyone elses and then they apologize and have to make it again , and i end up sitting there waiting for 20 min.. but it doesnt bother me a bit cuz then while i hopelessly sit there everyone else feels bad for me and gives me tastings of their meal... so i love it and i get to taste like 4 meals and not be hungry while i patiently wait (hehehehe)... and then ussually by dessert time, the dessert i order.. they don't have (of course it had to be the cheesecake that I had to order) but again its fine cuz then it solves the conflict that i always have between chossing the brownie or the cheesecake... :P

the good part was that we drove to bergen, and i love road trips especially through beautiful nature <3 and we took some fairies which is one of my favorite ways of transportation (obviously if you know me my favorite way of transportation is horseback riding) :P ;).

Later on when we were back home I made an anniversary cake for my grandparents... so i did a traditional buttercream red velvet cake and cupcakes. Excuse the oxi clean in one of the pictures :) by the way :P

So this past week has been chill with hangin at home with my dog, going for long walks and heading to my beach. I actually biked down to the beach today (cuz it is literally 5 min away) and i just sat there among the sand reading my book and eating an apple ;) i love laying down.. facing the sky and hearing the crashing of the waves just ahead <3 we are lucky to live so close to the beach and farmland and a HUGE forest is one minute walking distance from our house.. an awesome place to go galloping up the hills with a horse <3 and for taking pictures..

we also went to this american norwegian festival and had to take the backroad to get there which was scary but gorgeous nature!

In the week when me and erlend ( i mean erlend and i ) :P where walking nickie i the forest we came across three little kittens ( i know that sounds weird but it is true!!) they were so cute and they were probs 1 month old or so, but the mom wasnt there so it probably was out hunting or something like that... and so i ran home to get some food and water for them (some leverpostei.. which looks and smells like cat food but is human food.. but animals can eat it too) so then i just cuddled with them and gave them food.. which they just chawed down!! and they were very sociable so i got to hold them as well.. being me i had to name them... so the black one became "echo" (because it was the quiet one that was always present), the multi colour one "spirit" cuz it was very jumpy and had lots of energy, the last one "scavenger" cuz it kept asking for more food!! :P and looking for it too! so i hanged with them for a bit then headed home. oh did i mention that they were the size of my hand!! so cute!! and then from then one i actually like cats... sso now every evening i leave out from leverpostei for the cats in the neighborhood who roam

 free in the forest ( we call them 'skogskat') and they eat it every time :D but the adult cats are more shy than the kittens were so i just leave it out without me being there.

I was just thinking how whenever i accidentally asked to go to the 'washroom' in school the teachers would look at me like i was retarted.. :P Canadians will get this ;) but then i dawned on me that its just in canada that they use that term (because i got so used to saying it back in canada).. it was also confusing when i moved TO canada cuz i didnt know what that word meant!! but now since i forgot that NO ONE knows what it means here so it has been a hard transition from saying 'washroom' to 'Bathroom'.. :P and the funny thing was that in canada if you say bathroom they look at oyu weird to!! so either way ya look like a retard ;) hahaha

Ok enough of my lame jokes... here is the quote of the day:

“Life is like a Rainbow, it shows when there is rain and sunshine." - Emilia (me) :P

ByeBye and remember Stay Golden